Cure a Hangover With Asparagus

The hottest hangover remedy is asparagus, researchers say. According to "HealthDay News," asparagus may help guard the liver and maneuver hangover symptoms.

A "Journal of Food Science" revision also revealed that asparagus, a broadly consumed vegetable eaten worldwide, has been worn for it's opposing-tumor, opposing-fungal, defiant-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

Asparagus is not only a treat for hangovers, but it's also a beneficial spring of folic acid, potassium, twine, Vitamin B6, Vitamins An and C and thiamin, according to the Michigan Asparagus Advisory Board.

Thankfully, there's a therapy for those sickening, regulate-thumping mornings. You know, those nights when your stomach is in knots-when you just want to go back to doze.

The next time you have a hangover, try one (or all, depending on how bad you feel) of these suggestions to help alleviate your hangover.

Things You'll Need:

* Asparagus Extract or Capsules

* One big bunch of green asparagus

* Fresh lemon


*** Start treating your hangover before it even starts. As quickly as you stagger in the door, swallow 8 to 16 oz. Of water with a squeeze of lemon. If you have some asparagus drag, mix 10 drops with a small quantity of water (about 1/4 cup) and taste. If you don't have the liquid, just swallow one of the capsules.

*** Once you waken up, immediately slurp another 8 oz. Of water and take another 10 to 20 drops of asparagus extort or another of the capsules. Sip the water leisurely so that it doesn't defeat your stomach.

*** Wait about 30 minutes and assess how you feel. If you don't think that great, the epitome breakfast for you will be-you guessed it-asparagus.

*** Prepare the asparagus any way you like. According to researchers, the asparagus shoots hold more beneficial amino acids and minerals than the plants.

I like to heat it and buff it with a squeeze of lemon juice. Homemade asparagus soup (minus the cream) is also restful, but if you're hung over, my presume is that you won't feel like cooking anything elaborate.

*** Sip water throughout the day and see if you feel better. You may want to give manually another dose of the extract or take another tablet as the day goes on.

Tips & Warnings

*** Check with your doctor to see if asparagus is right for you. For example, people who have gout shouldn't take it.

*** If you're not worn to asparagus you may be alarmed at first, because it will make your urine smell powerful (to say the least) and it will also meander faintly green. This is habitual.

*** Researchers at the Institute of Medical Science and Jeju National University in South Korea have confirmed the clear effects asparagus has on the liver.

*** Frequent alcohol consumption causes oxidative stress chief to liver wound. Over-drinking causes headaches, sickness, diarrhea and thirst.


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